When life throws a curveball, I turn to Alternate Nostril Breathing, also known as Anulom Vilom. It's like hitting the reset button for my body, mind, and spirit.

Let's dive into this simple but powerful breathing technique.

Alternate Nostril Breathing A
Balancer of Body and Mind

Alternative Nostril Breathing A is a straightforward yet powerful exercise that calms the mind and balances your energy. By alternating your breath between your nostrils, this technique harmonizes the left and right sides of the brain, promoting balance and peace.

Note to My Readers

To avoid confusion when using the English term "Alternate Nostril Breathing," I refer to Anulom Vilom as "Alternate Nostril Breathing A" and Nadi Shodhana as "Alternate Nostril Breathing B." This distinction helps clarify which technique we’re discussing, as they each have unique benefits and methods.


Enhances Self-Awareness: This mindful practice helps you become more aware of your overall state, which can benefit personal development. I've found it easier to recognize my emotions and respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively—a game-changer in my personal growth journey.

Enhances Concentration: Alternate Nostril Breathing sharpens your focus, making it an excellent tool for meditation or mindfulness practices.

Promotes Emotional Stability: Regular practice helps manage emotions more effectively by connecting the mind and body.

Balances the Nervous System: On days when my mind is scattered, this practice helps me regain clarity and focus, grounding me in the present moment.

Stress and Anxiety Reducer: Focusing on your breath helps calm your central nervous system and brings you back to a state of inner balance.

Supports Chakra Balance: While not directly linked to specific chakras, the overall balancing effect of Anulom Vilom can support the alignment and stability of your energy centers, contributing to a sense of harmony within the body and mind.

Best Time to Practice?

Morning Ritual: To start your day with balance and clarity.

Before Meditation: Use it to prepare your mind and body for a deeper meditation practice.

Anytime You Need to Center Yourself: Whenever you feel scattered or overwhelmed.

Before Bed: Practice this to calm your mind and get your ready for sleep.

Who Will Benefit Most?

You, if You Want to Cultivate Self-awareness: When you connect with your breat, you bring yourself to the present, which gives you the opportunity to tune into your current state.

You, if You're Seeking Balance: If you're looking to harmonize your body and mind, Alternate Nose Breathing is a perfect choice.

You, if You're New to Pranayama: It's an accessible technique for those just starting with breathwork or yoga practices.

You, if You Struggle with Focus: This practice can help sharpen your concentration.

Who Might Want to Skip This?

If You Have Respiratory Issues: As with any breath-work, it's best to consult a healthcare provider before starting if you have respiratory conditions like asthma.

If You Have a Stuffy Nose or Cold: It's best to avoid practicing breath-work if you have a stuffy nose or a cold.

Step by Step How to Practice
Alternate Nose Breathing (Anulom Vilom)

To practice, start by sitting comfortably with your back straight.

Left Hand Position

Rest your left hand on your left knee in Chin Mudra (your thumb and index finger touch) or with your palm facing up.

Pro Tip: Practicing in Chin Mudra can create a grounding effect, enhancing the benefits of the exercise.

Right Hand Position

Thumb: Use it to close your right nostril.

Ring Finger: Use it to close your left nostril.

Middle and Index Fingers: These can be gently folded into your palm, or you can place them lightly on your forehead between your eyebrows for added focus.

Little Finger: It can be used in combination with the ring finger to close the left nostril if that feels more comfortable.

Practicing the Technique

  1. Close Your Right Nostril: Use your right thumb to gently block your right nostril.

  2. Inhale Left: Take a deep breath in through your left nostril, filling your lungs completely.

  3. Switch Nostrils: Use your ring finger (or ring and little fingers) to close your left nostril, then release your right nostril.

  4. Exhale Right: Slowly and fully exhale through your right nostril.

  5. Inhale Right: Take a deep breath in through your right nostril.

  6. Switch Again: Close your right nostril with your thumb and open your left nostril.

  7. Exhale Left: Exhale completely through your left nostril.

  8. Repeat: Continue this alternating pattern for 5-10 minutes or as long as it feels good.

A Few Tips for Success

  • Start with a Few Minutes: Begin with 5 minutes a day and gradually increase the time.

  • Stay Gentle: Keep your breath soft and controlled—there's no need to force it.

  • Consistency is Key: Practice regularly to help you experience the full benefits and create a new habit.

A Glimpse into the History of Alternate Nose Breathing

Alternate Nose Breathing has its roots in the ancient traditions of yoga, going back thousands of years.

This breathing technique is mentioned in classical yogic texts such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Gheranda Samhita, where it is described as a powerful practice for purifying the nadis, or energy channels, in the body.

The term "Anulom Vilom" itself translates to "with the grain" (Anulom) and "against the grain" (Vilom). It was taught to prepare the body and mind for deeper meditation and spiritual awakening.

Yoga practitioners practiced Alternate Nose Breathing to balance the Ida and Pingala nadis, which are lunar and solar energies associated with the left and right sides of the body.

Today, Alternate Nose Breathing is valued for bringing balance and calm to an often overwhelming world. When you practice this ancient technique, you connect with a method that has empowered countless individuals on their spiritual journeys, including mine.


  1. Balance and Harmony: Alternate Nose Breathing is a powerful pranayama practice that helps balance the left and right sides of your body and mind, promoting overall harmony.

  2. Chakra Connection: This technique is closely related to the Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakras. A balanced Root Chakra is essential to fully benefit from this practice.

  3. Beginner-Friendly: Alternate Nose Breathing is accessible and beneficial for everyone.

  4. Consistency is Crucial: Regular practice, even for just a few minutes a day, can enhance your physical, mental, and energetic well-being.

  5. Simple Yet Profound: Alternate Nose Breathing offers profound benefits, including enhanced focus, emotional stability, and enhanced self-awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
About Alternate Nose Breathing A

Q: How long should I practice Alternate Nose Breathing each day?

A: Start with 5 minutes a day and gradually increase the time as you become more comfortable. When you're ready, extend your sessions to 10-15 minutes or longer.

Q: Can beginners practice Alternate Nose Breathing?

A: Yes, Alternate Nose Breathing is beginner-friendly. It's simple to learn and offers profound benefits.

Q: What should I do if I feel lightheaded or uncomfortable while practicing?

A: If you feel lightheaded or uncomfortable, stop the practice immediately and take a few normal breaths. It's important to listen to your body and approach the practice gently.


Nadi Shodhana: Purifier of Energy Channels


Bhramari Breath: Cultivate Calm and Inner Resonance