Hi, I'm Veronica, a Certified Yoga Teacher and Mind-Body-Spirit Coach. Like many of your journeys, mine has been a tapestry of challenges and achievements. Each step along the way has not only tested my resilience but also enriched me with more profound wisdom and authenticity. My approach integrates physical, mental, and spiritual practices to help you achieve holistic wellness.

I believe in the profound interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. I believe in the transformative power of mindfulness and self-inquiry, recognizing that each path to wellness is unique. My teachings are grounded in the principles of:

Transformation: Guiding you to embrace change and growth.

Mindfulness: Cultivating a present and aware state of mind.

Self-Discovery: Encouraging deep exploration of your inner landscape.

Empowerment: Helping you reclaim your power and authenticity.

The chakra system is central to my teachings, as it connects us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Each class and piece of content I create is infused with chakra wisdom, ensuring a holistic and comprehensive approach to wellness. I am passionate about building a community dedicated to growth, resilience, and authenticity.

I strive to create a supportive and engaging environment where students feel safe to explore and express themselves. Through live classes, workshops, and my online library, I aim to foster genuine connections and provide valuable guidance. Whether you’re attending a live class, participating in a workshop, or exploring my online content, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Together, we can navigate the challenges and embrace the growth that leads to a balanced and aligned life. Follow me on social media for daily inspiration and updates, and don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or to share your experiences.

Thank you for being here and taking the time to learn about my journey and offerings. I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your path to alignment and well-being.


Veronica Penacho
Certified Yoga Teacher
Mind-Body-Spirit Coach

My Passions and Pursuits

Every sunrise, I dive into rituals that amp up my zen and sprinkle magic into my day.

Yoga & Meditation

These practices are my lifeline, creating daily space to reconnect with myself and maintain inner balance.

Music & Creativity

Whether strumming my guitar or curating playlists, music is my soul language—it allows me to express myself and revel in the melodies of life.

Coffee Ritual

My morning coffee is more than a beverage; it’s a ritual of mindfulness and gratitude, savoring each sip as the day begins.


From downward dogs at sunrise to power walks, pumping iron, and busting a move in my kitchen, movement is my therapy, keeping me grounded and energized.

Culinary Delights

Cooking is my happy place—each dish a new adventure, each flavor a moment of discovery.

Nature & Nurture

While I thrive in the urban bustle, retreating into nature provides peace and rejuvenation.

Family Life

As a mother to both a human and a furry friend, nurturing these relationships is central to my happiness.


An Aquarius at heart, I find humor and depth in the stars, keeping some aspects playfully mysterious.

Laughter & Depth

While deep conversations energize me, nothing beats the magic of a belly-aching laugh—those moments when joy rules the world.

Check Out

Dive into a world of insightful articles, practical tips, and inspiring stories curated to guide you on your path to alignment, empowerment, and self-discovery.

Explore topics such as:

  • Yoga Practices & Breathwork:
    Discover the transformative power of yoga and breathwork as tools for self-care, mindfulness, and inner peace.

  • Meditation & Mindfulness:
    Uncover practical tips and techniques for personal growth, resilience, and empowerment.

  • Chakras & Conscious Living:
    The connection between chakras and conscious living.

  • Holistic Wellness:
    Combining yoga, meditation, and conscious living for holistic health.

Whether you are new to meditation or have some experience, this session is crafted to help you deepen your practice with patience and persistence.


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